
During the pandemic, some people got a puppy but I got a podcast!

On The Open Book Test Podcast, I interviewed my former Mendoza College of Business students about their journeys into, through and out of the college of business. I hoped by sharing their experiences, insights and hard-earned wisdom, those following in their footsteps will make more informed, intentional, and confident decisions about majors & careers and help reduce the stress & anxiety that come with big decisions.

Find the podcast on Apple, Spotify or wherever you listen to podcasts. This page contains a running list of the resources recommended by me and my guests so you don’t have to go back into each podcast individually to find the great books, podcasts and TedTalks mentioned every week. While I am no longer actively adding to the podcast, there’s plenty of timeless, helpful information that lives on in these episodes. Check it out today!

Episode 1: Heather Eaton:
The Morning Brew - a daily short dose of business news
The Daily Podcast - just 20 mins to be an aware global citizen
The 2-Hour Job Search - read & succeed at finding your dream job

Episode 2: Dillon Bailey: Radical Candor - learn to give and take great feedback

Episode 3: Luke Vandertie:
Simon Sinek: Start with Why - Website & TedTalk - inspiration and clarity around great leadership that’s easy to digest

Episode 4: Taylor Osicek:
Guy Raz: How I Built This Podcast - learn about your favorite brands and the founder’s secrets to success

December recs from me: The concept of Ikigai.; Drive: The Truth About What Motivates Us by Daniel Pink and You Majored in What? by Katherine Brooks.

Episode 6: Cate Hefele:
The What A Day Podcast - A fast, funny introduction to the day’s news

Episode 7: Matt Lynch: 
Invest Like the Best Podcast - his other favorite podcast
Shoe Dog by Phil Knight (founder of Nike) - A relatable book for business and life by another accountant who loves basketball!

Episode 8: Kristina Hamilton:
The Skimm - a daily news newsletter that’s a lot informative and a little irreverent
The Vanishing Half by Brit Bennett - Named a best book of 2020 by the NYT

Episode 9: Brittany Sanok:
When Breath Becomes Air by Dr. Paul Kalanithi - stirring, beautifully written memoir on discovering the true meaning of life

January recs from me: 5 Whys Analysis

Episode 11: Cam Kormylo:
The Joe Rogan Experience - #podcastgoals
SmartLess - featuring Cam’s Idol Jason Bateman, Will Arnett & Sean Hayes, this podcast is funny and informative
Designing Your Life - Based on a favorite class at the Stanford d school.

Episode 12: Colleen Spelder:
The Defining Decade by Meg Jay - best thing she read in her 20s
Thrive: The Third Metric for Redefining Success… by Arianna Huffington
Anything by Brene Brown

Episode 13: Steven Feczko:
How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie - our Finance majors really like this one
Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari

Episode 14: Jake Bebar:
The Gift: 12 Lessons to Save Your Life by Edith Eger

February recs from me:
The Beautiful No by Sheri Salata - Oprah's Executive Producer shares the sliding door moments that changed her life & led her to her dream job.
StrengthsFinder - focus your energy toward your biggest strengths to maximize growth
Liz Gilbert (author of Eat, Pray, Love and City of Girls) on jackhammers & hummingbirds and passion vs curiosity and why she stopped being a passion bully! I also loved her book Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear.

Episode 16: Annie Plachta:
How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie - sometimes you need that second rec to convince you to give it a try!
Never Eat Alone by Keith Ferrazzi- a slightly cringey but very worthwhile read

Episode 17: Demetrius Murphy:
The Death of Ivan Ilyich - a novella by Leo Tolstoy
Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe- may have read it in high school but recommends a reread with a little more life experience under your belt

Episode 18: Jamie Dykstra:
Simon Sinek: Start with Why - Website & TedTalk (so good that it definitely deserves a second mention)

Episode 19: Tony Michuda:
Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art by James Nestor
How to Avoid a Climate Disaster by Bill Gates
Any bios of CEOs that pique your curiosity to learn what, how, and why they do what they do.

March Recs from me:
Irish Compass - a great networking resource for Notre Dame students and alumni.
Poets & Quants for MBA programs and Poets & Quants for Undergrad business programs

Episode 21: Madison Boyle:
The Morning Brew - Madison subscribed after guest Heather Eaton recommended it and now she's hooked.
The Old Man and the Three podcast - JJ Reddick & Tommy Alter talk basketball, current events and interview some big names in the NBA, entertainment and political worlds.
Formula 1: Drive to Survive documentary on Netflix - Racing is big business and there's lots to learn from this deep dive into the unique world of Formula 1.

Episode 22: Genie Deez:
YouTube - learn anything and everything. Start with Genie's own channel.
The Internet Movie Script Database - IMSDb - read the scripts of your favorite movies.

Episode 23: Lauren Longo:
Maybe You Should Talk to Someone: A Therapist, HER Therapist, and Our Lives Revealed by Lori Gottlieb, and a second vote for:
Guy Raz: How I Built This Podcast - just a wealth of stories about companies you love and founders who floundered and make it all seem a little more possible for the rest of us.
Recommended by Prof. Carl Ackermann for whom Lauren was a TA: Personal Finance for Dummies by Eric Tyson.

Episode 24: Juan José Daboub:
How Will You Measure Your Life by Clayton M. Christensen - a great resource to help you figure out what matters most to you and find perspective when it comes to the balance between your work and personal lives.

Episode 25: Sofia Daboub:
The Defining Decade by Meg Jay- a definite must read for all 20-somethings
Factfulness: Ten Reasons We're Wrong About the World--and Why Things Are Better Than You Think by Hans Rosling - the subtitle says it all.

Episode 27: A Minute on Mental Health
Atomic Habits by James Clear